How To Take A Home Loan With Low Credit Score? - Home Credit India

Is It Possible to Take a Home Loan with a Low Credit Score?

Purchasing a home is a significant milestone for many families in India. However, getting a home loan can be a challenging task, especially if you have a low credit score.  

A credit score is a crucial factor that lenders consider when evaluating loan applications. But does a low credit score completely disqualify you from acquiring a home loan in India? Let’s delve into the topic and explore the possibilities. 

Understanding Credit Scores 

Before we proceed, it’s essential to understand what a credit score is and how it affects your loan eligibility. A credit score is a three-digit number that represents an individual’s creditworthiness based on their financial history.  

In India, credit scores range from 300 to 900, with higher scores indicating a better credit profile. Lenders typically rely on credit scores to assess the risk associated with lending money. 

Impact of Low Credit Score on Home Loan Eligibility 

A low credit score can indeed pose challenges when applying for a home loan. Most banks and financial institutions prefer borrowers with a credit score above 700 to minimize the risk of default.  

A low credit score might indicate a history of delayed payments, outstanding debts, or a higher probability of defaulting on loan repayments. Therefore, people with low credit scores may find it more difficult to secure a home loan. 

Options for Obtaining a Home Loan with a Low Credit Score 

While it may be more challenging to secure a home loan with a low credit score, it does not necessarily mean it is impossible. Here are a few options to explore: 

Improve your credit score: Instead of giving up on your dream of homeownership, consider taking steps to improve your credit score. Focus on paying off existing debts, clearing outstanding bills, and ensuring timely payments to demonstrate financial responsibility. Over time, these efforts can help raise your credit score, making you more eligible for a home loan. 

Apply for Home Credit Loan: While traditional banks may have stringent credit score requirements, Home Credit is known to be more flexible in their lending criteria. Although the interest rates might be slightly higher, you can get an opportunity to obtain a home loan even with a less-than-ideal credit score. 

Consider a joint loan or co-applicant: If your credit score is low, you can consider applying for a home loan with a co-applicant or joint loan. Adding a co-applicant with a higher credit score, such as a spouse or family member, can increase the chances of loan approval. The co-applicant’s good credit score and financial stability will offset the impact of your low credit score. 

Higher down payment: Another option to enhance your home loan eligibility is to offer a higher down payment. By increasing the initial amount, you contribute towards the property purchase, you reduce the overall loan amount required. A higher down payment demonstrates your commitment to the investment and lowers the lender’s risk, making them more inclined to approve the loan despite a low credit score. 


Obtaining a home loan with a low credit score in India may be challenging, but it is not entirely impossible. Exploring government schemes, improving your credit score, considering NBFCs, opting for joint loans, and providing a higher down payment are strategies that can increase your chances of securing a home loan.  

Remember to conduct thorough research & compare loan options to find the best solution that suits your circumstances. With determination and perseverance, homeownership can be within your reach, even with a low credit score. 

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