3 Smart Ways to Boost your Loan Approval Chances - Home Credit Blogs

3 Smart Ways to Boost your Loan Approval Chances

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A few individuals opt for a personal loan to buy a house, car, or other important expenses. It’s extremely important to follow a definite set of guidelines to make good your finances and credit score. This should be taken as a good practice to formally submit an online application. Our article will help to maximize your chance for a personal loan approval.

Whatever be your current financial status, it is important to know the basics before applying for a personal loan. Both your finances and credit status should be stable. With a low credit score also, there are ways to enhance your chances for a loan including making down payments and shopping for a specific occasion.

1. Know Your Credit Score

Are you looking for a loan? No. Even then we recommend you to get your credit score checked. It’s great to know where does your credit standing exactly lie.  And this is even more important when you an instant personal loan. Just ensure your information is accurate and updated. Also that your identity stays unchanged, and also provides valuable information. The idea is to keep calm & accept an attractive offer.

Most reputed credit bureaus allow a free credit report annually. If not so regularly, get your credit position validated on a frequent basis. A wide variety of online applications and websites offer services to track your credit, or you can also sanction regular services to have a thorough check.

Many a times you will find errors in the published credit report, so a regular watch can help to correct the mistakes/ avoid hackers.

2. Conduct a Thorough Research for the Best Fit

Maybe you do not have the best credit score, even then a suitable lending institution can Even if you don’t have the greatest credit score, you can still manage to qualify for a loan. A few lenders have consideration for borrowers who are genuinely trying to rebuild their credit score.

Also, some major banks will immediately reject applications with score below 650-700, however others will accept even at 600 or lower (institutions like community banks and local credit unions).

If you pull out the credit reports, then it gets lot easier to pick the right lender. All your hard enquiries can substantially impact your credit score.

3. Ascertain Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your debt-to-income ratio is basically the ratio of how much debt you owe over total income. This essentially means higher the debt-to-income ratio, larger is the amount of debt relative to income you have. This is actually the indicator of all financial issues and incapacity to make repayments on time.

So, obviously if you’re spending a major portion of your income into repayments for existing debts like mortgage, auto/car loans, or credit card debt, then you may not qualify for another loan, despite a good credit score. Banks/ Financial institutions want to know if you’re that capable to repay the money at the earliest.

Technically, if you’re using about 40% of your income to repay debts, then your loan chances are way lower.  Do not forget that this is the actual debt, exclusive of daily utilities.

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