5 signs you might be emotional spending - Home Credit Blogs

5 signs you might be emotional spending

Typically, there are strong signs of emotional spending and so it’s important to curb the instinct even when you’re down and out.

Do you often indulge in buying unnecessary items when not needed at all? Or Have you ever spent more than you saved? This could be so because you’re battling a condition called emotional spending.

Here are the 5 signs that you’re an emotional spender:

Sign #1: You buy often and think “you’re deserving of it”

Just pampering yourself isn’t a sign of emotional spending. It is usually to pep up your self-belief or take it as a reward could be one of the major warning signs of emotional spending.

Here, you emphasize more on spending cash over the actual feeling of purchase satisfaction. This is an effort to superficially feel happy about life instead of actually feeling it. You start to live under a materialistic.

Sign #2. You spend money on wasteful items

If you think of buying wasteful items even when you don’t need them. Maybe you cannot afford them, but you still do things to keep buying like an emotional spender.

At times, out of madness you start to spend more to get over the outstanding dues/ bills. And in the effort to distract, you tend to overspend on avoidable treats. If you have been buying all expensive items even beyond their capacity as you stay carried away emotionally.

Sign #3: You Find Yourself Buying & Returning Items A Lot

Return policies are awesome and they’re there for some reason. But if you find yourself buying items frequently and return them later, then it might be a sign that it’s an impulse purchase.

Sign #4: You Spend Money When You’re Stressed About Money

If you’re stressed about your earned money, it can sometimes impression like you’re so far in the financial hole that you don’t know how to lever it.

Sign #5You think retail therapy is real  

If you take shopping as suitable therapy when down then you go on a shopping spree.

In such a scenario, your mind is filled with feel good stimulations and this ultimately becomes significant to live. Spending money can always make you feel better but that’s not the real solution. Ofcourse, you’re an emotional spender, then you’ll be satisfied to speed as much as you possibly can.

Try some stress relieving activities like yoga, meditation, naturopathy to fight your instinct. Here, squeezing your wallet out is not a good idea.

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