Are you Bored? How can Cool Games make a difference? - Home Credit Blogs

Are you Bored? How can Cool Games make a difference?

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In realism, you all want to act cool & stay smart. This is okay. Everyone who carries the trait of intelligence & smartness wants to display it too. Whichever way its tried to be done, people find their own way of using their virtues.

However, it’s good to make learning fun & interactive. Games are rather an interesting way to teach & enlighten your intellectual side & improve mental faculties. Here’s how cool games can have a strong impact:

1. Failure is the pillar of success

Ask anyone who’s failed multiple times in his life & you will hear how the failure stories done them good. Failure is important.

Through the online videos, you learn to start with multiple lives & refuse to give up. It teaches you to keeping trying until you reach a goal. This helps you learn patience, perseverance and hardwork. It’s about being consistent come what may.

2. Increase your problem-solving skills

If you want to have fun and stimulate your intellect, then playing games every day really helps.

Most games are meant to sharpen your problem solving & analytical skills. This increases your adaptability to the persisting environment and cognitive powers. So, now you can imagine what kind of contribution does games make.

3. Keeps your mind active

We generally encounter both physical & psychological stress in life. So, it becomes even more important to keep your mind alive. You could try crosswords, Sudoku, brainy games etc. as long as you don’t deviate from important engagements.

Research suggests how people who are mentally active are less likely develop psychological disorders per se. And for this online games can really turn out helpful. So, hurry up & refresh your mind with a cool game on HCIN App! Follow the steps below to begin

4. Games boosts mental processing speed

Your mind should be capable enough to process rapidly information in urgent situations. At times, decision making needs to be instant with accuracy. However, fast decisions can lead to mistakes which is why mindful actions are important

All the mobile/laptop games increase often processing of sensory information and prompt action. The reaction time needs to be as small as possible. RTs can be easily trained by game-play!

5. Players have enhanced memory

3D computer games are supposedly good to boost your memory & thinking power.

If you play the 2D games for a few hours in a day, then you can manage 3D games for even longer in a day. So playing games can really prove helpful when people weren’t prepared to work on their minds.

6. Playing games improves your multitasking ability

Ofcourse, there are action games available which can be quite mindless. A recent study highlights how gamers improve their skills in attention, cognition, vision, multitasking and what not.

How to play a Cool Game in HCIN App?

Step 1. Go to App Dashboard

Step 2. Click on Menu

Step 3. Start “game” by clicking on “Let’s Play


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