How to Keep Your Budget on Track while Repaying Your Education Loan? - Home Credit Blogs

How to Keep Your Budget on Track while Repaying Your Education Loan?

Student Loan Budget Planning Tips

With higher education rapidly rising in the last decade, student loans are also massively increasing. according to a recent survey. It’s being said that education loans are the 2nd largest consumer debt which evidently proves the market demand for loans for education. This is higher than the auto loan and credit card borrowings.

A lot of hue & cry surrounded the repayments of student loans. There’s no denying that students face tough times to give back in installments which leads to frequent defaults and delinquency. The only way to protect against financial pressures would be to put in application stringent strategies for quicker payouts.

The steps given below will help to keep your budget on track while repaying your education loan:

  1. Budget the ‘20-30-50’ way

If you really look forward to budget your spending, follow a 20-30-50 plan. It is the ideal way to limit your spending and put the rest under lock. Firstly, pay up towards your own financial improvements. In our situation, pay directly towards student loans. Keep the next 30% for fun & entertainment activities. And the final portion towards utilities and essentials.

  1. Spend & Save in the Right Proportion

It is not important as to which debts do you have, it is more important to save a reasonable amount as savings. If you aren’t starting to save already, then you’re in a mud pool. Plan to dedicate your income towards debt and 10% towards savings, after which you’re free to invest in your recreational activities.

  1. Record your Spending accurately

Whenever your income gets credited into your accounts, it’s quite easy to spend. It’s very important to constantly track your spending on a timely basis. This should be including the cash payments. You can use the autosave options under which the financial institutions auto-debits the amount. Try to build a corpus for future retirement goals in critical situations.

  1. Avoid taking Additional Debt

It has been noticed many times that some people are intrigued by loans for anything and everything they do. After they have loans for higher education, they don’t hesitate to take on additional loans. But it’s important to realize that you need to keep up at the same rate of repayments as it is of the newer loans.  This can substantially restrict your career growth.

  1. Introspect your financial actions

Another relevant step is to watch your financial steps and ensure that all your past mistakes are covered. You can try different online services and apps available to keep a real-time track of income, expenses and, savings. Getting to know where you stand on the financial front. Students must be encouraged to avoid taking shopping and travel cards, based on the credit line.


To sum up, work to reduce the unnecessary expenses initially, which could also include convenience charges paid on online platforms. Whether we talk about financial aggregators, food delivery apps, all charge a small charge to provide comfort and convenience. Perhaps, you can start with a tiny initiative.

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