How to prepare for Coronavirus: 9 steps you can take - Home Credit Blogs

How to prepare for Coronavirus: 9 steps you can take

CoronaVirus Advisory- Do's

Coronavirus or Covid 19 (as popularly named by WHO) who knew that a virus sounding harmless could create a worldwide havoc. This catastrophic outbreak hasn’t only moved everyday lives of people but also engulfed their livelihood.

What is coronavirus, to start?

A large family of viruses that causes illness ranging from the common cold/cough to more severe diseases such as Respiratory pneumonia. This started as a weather change illness to a fatal disease.

How does it spread?

There’s only ‘one’ thing which you need to understand about how Covid-19 rapidly spreads.

The virus spreads when droplets from a sick person gets into your eyes, nose & mouth of a healthy person.

The Indian govt is wisely trying to tackle coronavirus outbreak, and so its advised to avoid panicking. You can consciously follow a few steps to reduce spread of Covid-19.

Below are the suggest do’s to beat Covid-19 with your best abilities.


1. Wash your hands with water & soap for atleast 20 seconds after touching a suspected contaminated surface.
2. Cover your cough with a disposable tissue or use mask and discard them immediately into the dustbin. Use the mask for just a day and not beyond. Bacteria grows on the inside of the mask if you wear them too long. Also, don’t touch outside of the mask. If you did already, do not worry. Wash your hands again with soap and water.
3. Keep your distance- 2 m to 0.5 m will keep you safe from large droplets. So if you see someone visibly coughing or sneezing around you, you can decide to excuse them.
4. Lend them a mask- They can cough and sneeze into it & protect everyone else around. The virus
5. Avoid crowded places- It’s a good idea to avoid crowds, because you don’t know who might be sick (people who show no symptoms, can still be infectious).
6. If you accidently touch any of the gadgets, door knobs, lift buttons, cups, stair bannisters, mouse, tissues, etc. or even the back of the mask. Then avoid touching your face, your eyes or the face of your loved ones. This is because the sick person’s saliva can be found on several things. (Note: Viruses can last upto 48 hours on obejcts)
7. Avoid coming in contact with people who are sick or share the personal items like, food, utensils, cups, towels etc.
8. Shake hands virtually, a ‘thankyou’ works better.
9. Seek medical advice if you’re not keeping well

How do you wash your hands thoroughly?

Wash the back of your hands, between the fingers, under the nails for atleast 20 seconds.

Just stay safe everyone!

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