8 Tips You Can Follow for Your Mental Health - Home Credit Blogs

8 Tips You Can Follow for Your Mental Health

mental health tips

The world today has become full of uncertainties with no clarity about the future and its outcomes. So much so that this period has led to people becoming anxious, restless and bored which is affecting their mental health and capabilities.

We all are on a constant lookout for each other in these challenging times and it becomes imperative to keep our frame of mind intact and well balanced. To keep ourselves healthy both mentally and physically, let’s look at some of the tips:

1. Maintain a schedule and regular routine

Start your day on a positive note with some physical exercises to give you that boost. Make a routine on hourly basis including your work schedule, tea/coffee breaks, regular meals, keep consistency and ensure you stick to the routine. This will help you organize yourself better and keep that mental stability in place

2. Leisure activities

Get yourself mentally occupied on a regular basis by engaging yourself in at least one leisure activity like yoga, music, reading, dance, watching TV, arts, workout etc. This will certainly uplift your mood, distract you from unnecessary worries and help you focus better

3. Spiritual practices

To generate positivity around you and your environment you need to remain calm, composed and positive from within. There are ways to stay positive, one can perform spiritual practices like prayers, read spiritual and religious books, chant frequently as that would generate positivity in the air you breathe and help maintain peace of mind

4. Mindfulness sessions

Join online classes on yoga, deep breathing exercises and meditation to connect with your inner self, understand your emotions, find solutions and answers all by yourself

5. Sleep on time to wake up on time

It is said that 8 hours sleep is essential for our bodies to recoup and keep the mind and body in sync and proper shape. Ensure you sleep on time, maintain sleep hygiene, complete 8 hours of sleep daily to wake up healthy with sound mind. This connects your healthy body to your mind and relaxes all the nerves of your brain

6. Stay socially connected

With the advent of technology and new digital media available to all of us, our lives have become digitally connected. Stay connected with your colleagues, friends, family, relatives via various digital apps and keep the spirit alive. This would ease out stress, comfort your mind and distract from mundane thoughts and anxiety

7. Limited access to news

Minimize watching and listening to news about COVID-19 on various platforms like TV, digital, radio etc. as that may cause anxiety and agony. This would keep you away from unnecessary interactions and discussions

8. Ask for help when in need

Talk to a friend when under stress or experiencing discomfort. It’s crucial to express what you feel as it relieves negative thoughts from your mind and builds inner strength

This time may never return in our lives and its best to do things and activities we always desired and wished for. This is a chance to connect with those whom we left mid-way in our lives. Appreciate whatever we own in life, how privileged we are in the larger schemes of life, show some gratitude and value our relations/people.

When we become grateful, our mind sends signals to our body to establish contacts with the outside world to maintain harmony and peace.

Do not panic, stay calm, stay hopeful, stay home, stay safe!!!

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