Top 7 factors to consider while buying a smartphone - Home Credit Blogs

Top 7 factors to consider while buying a smartphone


Through this article, our intention is to provide a comprehensive guide before arriving at a mobile purchase decision. One must look into different details like battery life, camera clarity, processor type, screen size, memory and more. All the features together provide a suitable smartphone for different needs.

A mobile phone is hands down the best performing gadgets in the market which everyone wants. This is especially true because we use our phones 24*7 to manage our daily work and has a short life. There’s another segment of people who like to change their phones as per the newest launch.

If you’re interested to go to the market & get a new smartphone, stay vigilant. Also, our recommendation is limited to Android phones mainly. With a brand like iPhone, you buy what you’re being offered.

In this buying guide, you will see the top 5 things that you need to take care of while buying a new phone:

  1. Performance

When we talk about performance of a mobile device, we are usually pointing towards the processor & storage (RAM). These 2 components play an integral role in enabling a phone perform well.

  1. Processor

Talking about a processor, there a few good options in the market Qualcomm, MediaTek, Samsung, etc.

Most of the android phones have either a Qualcomm processor or a MediaTek one. While Qualcomm’s Snapdragon is considered to be the best, MediaTek’s processor is also catching up well.

Qualcomm Snapdragon releases its chips every year & its latest 800 series is extremely powerful. You can throw anything at them and expect performance.

Recently, MediaTek has released their G series processors targeted primarily at gaming.

Your phone performance can also be judged by a GPU or graphics processing unit. Though, you cannot choose it separately, but you can pick your smartphone appropriately. While Qualcomm chip powered device offers Adreno GPUs others like Samsung and Huawei use Mali GPUs chips.

  1. RAM

After the processor, next is RAM in line. The thumb rule with RAM is that more is better. RAM or random access memory can be usually used for multi-tasking and with lower RAM, limited tasks can be done.

Though, we see that 6GB or 8GB RAM is the standard for most Android smartphones. This will sort out your first 2-3 years with a smartphone of 8GB RAM or more.

  1. Storage

Earlier the storage on a device was 100% expandable with a micro SD card. Today, smartphones come with good internal storage which makes them faster and efficient. You can downloads a lot of apps on your phone within an internal storage of 128GB.

  1. Display

Next is the display of the smartphone which you’re going to buy. It’s the display which we will use to view our personal or professional information on the phone. So, it’s crucial to select your display suitably.

In most smartphones, there are 2 types of panels used LCD or AMOLED. Earlier, LCD displays were preferred however LEDs are better for battery life and vivid view of colors onscreen.

These days, smartphones come with displays up to 7-inch for those who have higher screen time. Others can do away with a 6-inch display size. Make sure it comes with Gorilla Glass protection which should prevent the display from scratches and minor falls.

  1. Cameras

Camera is one of the primary factors of buying a smartphone today. This is so because people use phone cameras to take camera like pictures in a handy manner.

Nowadays, smartphones come with dual, triple and even four cameras at the same time. This improves versatility of your device to enhance photography. The Google Pixel 4 series is a good example of such a smartphone.

A good camera phone helps you to take all kinds of shots; wide-angle, telephoto, portrait mode or zoomed-in. This will substantially reduce the need for a typical camera.

  1. Cost

Smartphones these days come at different price points in the market. Prices keep spiking up depending on the choice of your processor, memory, camera, display, so on and so forth.

Don’t be bogged down, but stay mindful of your budget & needs to buy yourself the best smartphone.

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