What are home renovation loans? - Home Credit Blogs

What are home renovation loans?

home improvement loans

A home improvement loan is better known as the home renovation loan. It’s a superb idea to upgrade your home living with fancy interiors and gleaming new look. This is basically done under the defined terms of the financial institution or bank (the lending institution). A home supposedly showcases how the owner wants to keep it. You can decide to deck up the house to make it attractive and enjoyable for living. With Home Credit home renovation loans, you can make your house look beautiful & livable.

What all can be done to enhance your house effectively?

  1. tiling and flooring
  2. denting & painting
  3. internal and external plaster
  4. room extensions
  5. landscaping
  6. modifying interiors
  7. fixing wall cracks

We offer home improvement loans with competitive rates of interest. The loan application process will be 100% paperless and easy documentation. We provide personal loans for home renovation to both the existing and new customers. The facility for EMI repayments are easy and user friendly.

Many borrowers choose home improvement loans even when they can easily manage paying by cash. Despite cash being the most cost effective way of payment. Obviously, when you pay cash, you do not pay an additional value called interest. However, its true to say that when urgent house repairs fall upon you, it’s difficult to wait for long built savings. If it’s an emergency repair, then taking a home improvement loan will ease out the situation. Once the situation aggravates, it’s even costlier to get repairs and maintenance done.

At the same time, it’s important to make an unavoidable change to ensure the house stays timeless always. Taking a personal loan is a better option for emergencies. Then there are a few people who like to afford a loan better over a one shot payment. So, whatever your choice remains, you must know what are the probable options and which one will be the most suitable for you!

How to Use a Home Improvement Loan?

We’ve discussed before that individuals who apply for a home improvement loan use it for home furnishing. However, this is an instant personal loan in essence. So, the money can be utilized the way you like. Use it as you please, whether for paint or polish! Keep the residual amount to pay off erupting debts (utility bills or credit cards). The cash fully belongs to you.

How to Apply for a Personal Loan for Home Improvement?

In our modern world, life’s much simplified for homemakers. Now they put forth a requirement for kitchen or wardrobe makeover, and it’s done before expressed. If you’re a veteran at banking services, then it’ll be hard to find a place through queues. And specially if you’re looking at pressing needs, you’ll run out of luck.

It’s best to apply online through web or mobile app. Personal loan powered by Home Credit can get you the amount you want along with a suitable tenure. We offer a loan amount up to 2 Lacs at 0% processing fees. You get have a personal loan approval within 5 mins and disbursal in a 24 hours.

As we clearly understand, there’s no limit to what can be done with a home improvement loan!  Make a perfect place at your convenience.

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