CIBIL Score - Home Credit India


Build a brighter financial future! Explore the importance of CIBIL Score and how to improve it with Home Credit India’s insights.

CIBIL Score Myths That You Believed Were True

CIBIL Score Myths That You Believed Were True

CIBIL (Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited) is a credit information company that maintains records of an individual’s credit history, including credit cards, personal loans, and home loans. A CIBIL score is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 900, and it is used by banks and financial institutions to determine an individual’s creditworthiness.  However,

Can I apply for a loan if I have a CIBIL score of 650?

The common perception among borrowers may be that a credit score of 650 or lower can be risky for their loan instinct. And perhaps its true! It is difficult to have a loan with a credit score of 650. Prominent banks propose a higher score of 750 or more. This is primarily strategic well to

How to Improve Your CIBIL Score and Why It Matters

How to Improve CIBIL Score

We know that there are parameters to check the health status of an entity. Be it physical health, automobile health, or financial health! A standard parameter gives the right information as to how we are doing. So, when it comes to the financial health of an individual, then the CIBIL, formerly known as Credit Information