Do Short Term motives influence a Cash Loan Decision? - Home Credit India

Do Short Term motives influence a Cash Loan Decision?

Do short term motives influence a cash loan decision?

Let’s get this straight and right. The answer to this question is YES. Short term motives very definitely influence a Cash Loan decision. When we talk about our regular expenses, the ones which are inevitable, loans do not play any role. But, when comes the expenses which aren’t one of the regular ones, we do get influenced by the loans. Who wouldn’t want to take a loan to fulfil the desires when the loan is approved is of a decent amount?

There are certain specifics where taking loans is a good idea.

Additional Reading on Major goals to achieve with quick cash loans

Here are the top 5 which influence the cash loans decisions:

  1. One-time purchase: if you buy things which are one-time purchases, loans are the saviour. One-time purchase includes things like buying an AC, installing strict security locks and CC Tv cameras, installing a solar panel etc. These are costly when bought and installed but reduces the cost in the long run. Investing money on such one-time purchases by taking loans is a sensible thing one can do.
  2. Short-term reliefs: the short term reliefs may be the extra immediate cash you need to pay to clear your deferred credit card payments and relieve yourself of the extra interest that would have been charged otherwise. It may also include certain penalties which one has to pay in the case of failure to an EMI payment. Plus, taking a loan and doing it would cost you lesser than your plastic money.
  3. Matching up with what’s the latest: When a new product enters the market, prices are high. And the real-good ones get expensive because the demand constantly increases for them. Here, again, the cash loans are what we resort to. If a product is too good to resist and also doesn’t come handy, taking a loan and acquiring it is worth it.
  4. Getting health insurance covering the entire family: Now this one has no excuse to be ignored. Health is wealth and investing in health makes you rich, richer and the richest. Take a loan, get health insurance for the entire family and make sure that every unforeseen situation and medical emergency is handled and taken care of.
  5. An unplanned holiday: The best trips are the ones which really aren’t planned. What do you do when out of nowhere comes in a holiday idea which is too exotic to not act upon? You apply for a cash loan, get it approved, pack the bags and be gone. Payback in instalments and also earn the experience!

So, even if you don’t realize, you do have certain short term motives and goals which influence your cash loans decisions. And there is definitely no harm in taking a loan and fulfilling them. Rather, doing this is economical and definitely a good step. Take such loans from us; Home Credit and repay as per your convenience and choose your EMI amount. Follow simple steps and get yourself the loan you need.

Additional Reading on Best Online Cash Loan Providers in India