Remote Working Tips For Parents Working From Home - Home Credit India

Remote Working Tips For Parents Working From Home

Remote Working Tips for Parents Working from Home

Our lives have literally changed during this self-imposed quarantine & Covid 19 pandemic. It’s probably the worst to happen to all of us being so social & people friendly. The national tragedy has been constantly shaping our temperaments, lifestyles, ideologies, etc. Also leaving the corporate giants to formally recognize work from home as the latest way of working. This must be accepted as the “new normal”. 

This convenient set up at first has its own pros & cons. So, you do get a huge amount of flexibility to work according to your chores, but at the same time, you’re kept 24*7 busy. Especially with schools being off, parents facing a tough time to strike balance between managing work commitments and perfect parenting along with household chores. When we have the entire family at home, it’s difficult to make peace with whatever is going on. 

However, this is not such a tensing situation like we may think it to be. All we need to do is strictly follow certain pointers to efficiently tackle our children while keeping our work quotient high. 

Remote Working Tips for Parents Working from Home as below : 

  • Make your partner the best confidant 

Many times, both the husband and wife have an equal amount of office work. Then it becomes inevitable that they portray an act of empathy by managing the kids turn by turnWhen its fully planned out, it’s easier to manage kids and work both. At least one parent should always be available for the kids all the time so that the other can peacefully work.  

  • Draw up a fixed routine for kids and work  

Undoubtedly, the lockdown times haven’t been easy for kids, especially with schools being shutThis has been creating havoc in the lives of their children. So, it’s best to set up a proper routine/time-table so that all chores are timely done without being an impediment to the parents work.  

As a result of a fixed routine, parents also enjoy the advantage of effectively finishing up their work commitmentsSo you can choose your timings to put your kids to sleep during the late afternoon or early evening during so that you can keep busy with work fairly. This way it will be much easier to tackle work and children easily.  

  • Share your concerns and chores with kids 

In times of corona, there’s barely any external help to manage the house. However, to keep things under control you can delegate small tasks to your kids like gardening, organizing the cupboard, etc. It’s almost unimaginable to work from home take care of household chores also, so it’s important to mark duties. Not only will this keep your children occupied but also stimulate their mental strength.  

  • Motivate for a hobby  

After you’ve put your kids under house arrest, its best to get them engaged into a nice hobby. Hobbies like reading, playing the guitar, gardening, painting etc. can be pursued to keep them thoroughly busy & help their lives take the right direction. Also, you can get them enrolled for online courses which will stimulate and massage their interests as a youngster.  

  • Communicate your voice clearly  

Always have a clear cut conversation with your family about issues circumventing you. This will help you to deal with things transparently & reach a satisfying conclusion. Kids nowadays are maturing faster to understand the situation inside the household. Try and explain to your children about your important work commitments.  

To sum up, it’s important to be compassionate in times of this Covid 19 catastrophe. We need to find ways to deal with it together & grow pillar to pillarDon’t over exhaust yourself, instead keep the survival instinct up. This is not the ideal situation to indulge in competitive spat & spoil our mental peace. Instead, use this opportunity to spend time with family & make the most of it!