Aadhaar Card importance - Home Credit India

Aadhaar Card importance

Understand the importance of an Aadhaar Card in India. Access benefits, simplify services, and more with Home Credit India.

Virtual ID in the Real World

Aadhar Virtual ID

Have you heard about Virtual ID? UIDAI introduced Virtual IDs after facing concerns over security of users’ data. The concerns were raised over security of the users’ data as the Aadhaar number gets saved on whichever platform you put your Aadhaar number. Aadhaar number can be replicated and used anywhere without even letting the user

Why Having an Aadhaar is Important for Indians?

The Aadhaar Program was launched in 2009 with the main objective to give Universal identity to every resident Indian. It is a 12 digit unique identity number issued based on the biometric and demographic data. The data is collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Recently, the Government has made Aadhaar an important