The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The

As the second wave of the coronavirus engulfed India, people not only panicked as the number of cases rose, but they are also constantly falling prey to the myths and misconceptions around COVID-19. As scientists and medical professionals work to create a clinically approved vaccine to treat patients and stop the virus from spreading, people

Our lives have literally changed during this self-imposed quarantine & Covid 19 pandemic. It’s probably the worst to happen to all of us being so social & people friendly. The national tragedy has been constantly shaping our temperaments, lifestyles, ideologies, etc. Also leaving the corporate giants to formally recognize work from home as the latest way of working. This must be accepted as the “new normal”. This convenient

The era of digitalization has been changing leaps and bounds, reaching newer heights every day. Initially, the cost of digital technology was quite high & could only be afforded by big fat companies. Today, it’s not at all costly & can be used at both small & large scale levels. And the biggest contribution made has been by Internet Giants like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc to expand the reach of

The coronavirus has surely been turning fatal taking toll on so many innocent people. And this is not just happening in India but also massively outside. This is almost like punishing them by keeping them sealed indoors & pumping in the spirit of fear & insanity. Amidst all the confusion, Covid19 has a few positive

According to experts, Covid-19 pandemic has hit harder than the financial crisis of 2008-09. During this time, it’s important to take action with effective fiscal packages to take control of the situation & feed the poor/underprivileged. In-fact, the pandemic is striking back & forth through different channels. We are witnessing major supply issues and lakhs

The Government’s decision to extend the lockdown by another 2 weeks came into effect from 4th of May as India enters Covid19 Lockdown 3.0. The extension got live as India’s COVID-19 cases almost crossed 42,000 and deaths at 1,400. Districts identified as Orange Zone and Green Zone will experience some relaxation however, there’s no sign

With Covid-19 hovering over us, a lot of false information is floating too. We would like to present a few coronavirus myths for consideration. Ofcourse, if a lockdown would have been powerful enough, all our health problems would have been sorted till now. The virus is so damaging that even locked up inside your homes

The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The

Coronavirus or Covid 19 (as popularly named by WHO) who knew that a virus sounding harmless could create a worldwide havoc. This catastrophic outbreak hasn’t only moved everyday lives of people but also engulfed their livelihood. What is coronavirus, to start? A large family of viruses that causes illness ranging from the common cold/cough to

Today, people belonging to different countries realize the destructive power of Coronavirus, spreading everywhere. We also understand that this epidemic is not only consuming humans but also the so called habitat. Let’s have a look at how it is impacting the financial market: According to a recent study, ‘covering every scenario, global growth in 2020