The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The

Our lives have literally changed during this self-imposed quarantine & Covid 19 pandemic. It’s probably the worst to happen to all of us being so social & people friendly. The national tragedy has been constantly shaping our temperaments, lifestyles, ideologies, etc. Also leaving the corporate giants to formally recognize work from home as the latest way of working. This must be accepted as the “new normal”. This convenient

Of course, the ongoing lockdown has surely pushed the manufacturing industry negatively, which contributes about 20% of India’s GDP. Out of this considerable share, the auto industry contributes about 50% of it. Though the situation of the auto industry was bad in the pre-lockdown period, however, it’s even worse now. The time of uncertainty has impacted small organizations with lesser power and lower profitability. This has

Aarogya setu is a brilliant app as an initiative to connect essential health services to Indian citizens to keep their fight alive against Covid-19 pandemic. Amidst this crazy scene, Aarogya Setu has substantially helped to keep tab on the coronavirus cases & track patients in your vicinity. This GPS enabled app helps you to spread

The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The