The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The

The coronavirus has surely been turning fatal taking toll on so many innocent people. And this is not just happening in India but also massively outside. This is almost like punishing them by keeping them sealed indoors & pumping in the spirit of fear & insanity. Amidst all the confusion, Covid19 has a few positive

The Government of India has been on the forefront to combat Covid-19 pandemic eversince it spread-out in the western part of the world. Visible measures were observed in terms of necessary barricading, curfews, supply of essential goods, food distribution to needy families and most importantly issue strict directives to protect oneself & close ones. The