Our lives have literally changed during this self-imposed quarantine & Covid 19 pandemic. It’s probably the worst to happen to all of us being so social & people friendly. The national tragedy has been constantly shaping our temperaments, lifestyles, ideologies, etc. Also leaving the corporate giants to formally recognize work from home as the latest way of working. This must be accepted as the “new normal”. This convenient

We are witnessing how the superpowers are already striving hard to cope up with an economical shutdown & falling demand for consumer products. The strongest economies are worried about how to drive growth amidst the corona virus scare in the country. Quite a few Indian sectors have reached a critical state & are hoping for

Aarogya setu is a brilliant app as an initiative to connect essential health services to Indian citizens to keep their fight alive against Covid-19 pandemic. Amidst this crazy scene, Aarogya Setu has substantially helped to keep tab on the coronavirus cases & track patients in your vicinity. This GPS enabled app helps you to spread

According to experts, Covid-19 pandemic has hit harder than the financial crisis of 2008-09. During this time, it’s important to take action with effective fiscal packages to take control of the situation & feed the poor/underprivileged. In-fact, the pandemic is striking back & forth through different channels. We are witnessing major supply issues and lakhs