When it comes to your credit score, there are some things that can make it go down. Your credit score is like a report card for your financial behavior, and it’s important to keep it healthy. Let’s explore 10 things that can lower your credit score, explained in simple terms to help you understand better.

Your credit score is a critical aspect of your financial health. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a young professional, or someone who has never had credit before, building your credit score from scratch is an essential step towards achieving financial stability and unlocking opportunities for future borrowing. While it might seem intimidating at first,

Credit utilization is defined to be the ratio of outstanding credit card balance to credit card limits. It gauges the amount of credit in use. It takes care of the amount of credit limit you are using. Let’s assume that if your balance was 3 whereas your credit limit was 10, then the credit limit

All loan or credit card payments, repayments, defaults and more reflective in your credit history of the individual, using which the credit score is arrived at. It is unavoidable to maintain a good credit score to keep your loan sanctioning process smooth and seamless. In fact, the interest rates too are determined based on the