In the effort to save your money, you need to keep a close eye on the earnings & expenses. It’s the most suitable to be done digitally by the use of free software and services. Free financial planning software can be also be valuable & robust in the first phase of personal finance planning. It
![how to manage finances](
There are special financial ‘to-dos’ to tackle while you’re spending time at home mostly. If you’re on house arrest due to the lockdown orders, then here comes your chance to tackle your financials like never before. You could just cover all the tasks put off till date. Also, if you’re working from home and not travelling to
![Student Loan Budget Planning Tips](
With higher education rapidly rising in the last decade, student loans are also massively increasing. according to a recent survey. It’s being said that education loans are the 2nd largest consumer debt which evidently proves the market demand for loans for education. This is higher than the auto loan and credit card borrowings. A lot
![Managing Personal Finance](
Often the term ‘financial planning’ can be heard. But is it just having money and some bank balance? While this is partially right, financial planning covers even some broader aspects which just not limit an individual for particular periodic planning but for a longer period of time. What Is Financial Planning? When this comes in
![financial goals](
If you’re thinking to rob off an expensive store, it’s better to wait up & think! Think firstly about your financial goals and set them right. Try to focus, plan & achieve them in a sequential order. Also, work on building an emergency fund which can supply cash to different purposes before aggressively using up
![Financial Planning tips](
They say we must have a financial backup ready for about 6 months to meet daily expenditure to say the least. If you’re in early 30s, saving to the farthest extent for a bright financial future, then you’re on the right track. The idea is to lead a financially stable life, where you’re into a
![Role of Digital Lending in the Evolution of Consumer Spending Behaviour](
In the past few years, India has witnessed a drastic change in consumer aspirations and spending behaviours. Earlier, people used to have a conservative financial outlook. They were extremely cautious about their spending and used to manage their finances to save for emergency situations and for other big spends such as buying a house or
![Financial Guide Tips](
Marriage brings along another part in the life of a couple. It’s a given fact that a wedded relationship must be harmonious and straightforward for the couple to accomplish life’s essential objectives. Discussion rotating around your accounts is a fundamental piece of your journey. Obviously, there are numerous difficulties for a couple in regards to
![Tackle These Financial Challenges with an Easy Mind](
Financial challenges may never end for us. But what remains important is that how should we be careful regarding these challenges at the first step itself. When we get our very first job that is when we should start taking our financial challenges seriously and follow some guidelines that will help each of us in
![Kill your Financial Demons this Dussehra](
India is the land of cultural diversities and celebrations. Every celebration has a unique story and history attached to it. The festival Dussehra also has many intertwined tales associated with it. Dussehra is considered to be the festival of new beginnings. In the context of money and finance, it means putting behind your financial splurges
![Financial Goal for Family](
When you meet the perfect person, it is natural to imagine how the two of you can achieve your dreams, like starting a family or sharing a home. While a couple can certainly build a lifetime of memories, remember that ‘it takes two to tango’ to solve all your life goals. Here is a list