wealth management - Home Credit India

wealth management

What is Personal Finance and Why is it Important?

Personal Finance

The question of personal finance is important for all working class people. This is a major problem with a large chunk of financial illiterates. Every piece of information helps to increase finance related knowledge including financial products, effective budgeting and retirement funds to build a financially secure future. Unfortunately, study shows how most lack the

Don’t Feel Guilty About Spending Money

Money Management

We don’t hear often as to why spending money is as perfectly okay as saving it in your bank accounts. We’re constantly been told how every purchase adds up over time and are detrimental to your finances. It’s not just newspaper articles but even top notch financial consultants who stamp the ‘savings’ theory. Concept of

4 Pillars Of Wealth Creation

Pillars of Wealth Creation

Of course, the process of wealth creation is a long drawn process held up by 4 critical pillars of strength.  It needs a roadway to financial independence because major decisions are taken up thereafter.  Here are the 4 pillars of wealth creation which need a closer look:  Earning money  Collecting productive assets  Choosing debt to support productive assets  Self-development  Let’s centre our focus on questions like what

Best Financial Tips to the Younger Self

financial management

We keep reading through articles that money has the power to transform life remarkably, be it earned or acquired. So, its valuable to start financially healthy practices at a young stage in life. As we grow up, the old good memories start to fade. This is exactly what happens with our financial pattern as child

Financial Planning Starts from Your Home

Financial Planning Tips

Finances are a big part of everyone’s life. The most important aspect is to handle finances well. Either you can deal it at the right time or miss out on a few opportunities to regret the financial mistakes. But if we look at our day-to-day lives, there’s so much to learn and adapt for financial

Deal Your Finances Right this Navratra

Wealth Management

The Navratri season is just round the corner and it is the first festive celebration to be ready for. This marks the beginning of the festive season and a warm welcome of winters. But apart from all the fun, excitement and singing, why is so important to handle your finances well? Your hard earned money